Our PTA is made up of dedicated hard-working parents & teachers who pool their talents to provide practical support for our school. Those listed below volunteered to provide leadership this school year. Get to know their names and faces, and feel free to ask them if you have questions.







 Candice Rafael


 Vice President


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 VP Finance


Nadine Makki


 VP Programs


 Leah Manalo




Megan Contreras




 Jon Barker


 Financial Secretary


 Menghan Jin




Arti Gandhi Bhojwani




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A brief description of the Executive Board Positions is listed below:



Essentially functions to help all aspects of the PTA run smoothly. Coordinates the work of officers and committees, presides at all meetings, be a member of all committees, appoints various other positions, signs authorizations, prepares annual report, serves as official representative at council and district meetings, etc.


Executive Vice-President

Serves as primary aide to the president, performs the duties of president in his/her absence, other duties as prescribed by the bylaws.


Vice-President of Fundraising

Oversees programming of all fundraising events (such as Spring Fling) and coordinates the chairs of each of those events.


Vice-President of Programs

Oversees programming of all non-fundraising events (such as Math Night) and coordinates the chairs of each of those events.


Recording Secretary

Keeps accurate record of proceeding of all meetings, refers to minutes of previous meetings, prepares list of unfinished business for the president, signs all authorization for payments, records expenditures in the minutes, keeps list of paid members, keeps current copies of bylaws and standing rules.



Keeps permanent books of accounts and records, chairs budget committee, prepares budget for adoption by the association, pays bills, keep accurate record of receipts and disbursements, pay bills, present report at each meeting, preparing forms for insurance and tax returns, etc.


Financial Secretary

Give a receipt for monies received for the association and remit to treasurer, prepare all authorizations for payment, keep accurate record of receipts and authorizations of payment, present a monthly report at each meeting, etc.



Audits books and financial records of the association semi-annually in January and July, and at any other time as necessary. (Shall not be related to nor live with other financial officers.)



Manages the PTA’s website, social media and Parent Square posts to keep parents updated on events and important news. They help promote PTA activities in Thursday envelopes, post flyers.



Assembles and preserves a record of the activities, achievements and volunteer hours of the association, acts as custodian of records and other materials pertinent to the history of the association, assists President with annual report.


Parliamentarian (appointed by President, not elected)

Attend all meetings and give necessary advice in parliamentary procedure. Chair the bylaws committee and calls first nominating committee meeting.